May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Look Back on "Everything is OK" by Debbie Tung
[May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Let's revisit a classic review that tackles the difficult topic of depression and remains one of my favorite graphic novels today.] 5/5 stars *Spoiler alert!* What a beautiful art style that Debbie Tung has! Everything is OK was a fantastic reminder of that, as well as the poignant and relatable stories she tells in her works. This one tackles the difficult subject of mental health, particularly dealing with depression and anxiety. I laughed, I cried, and I smiled as I read Everything is OK . I think it’s one of her best yet, as she shares her story to try and help others feel not as alone, as depression and anxiety are wont to do. “Even if the world around me is silent, it's always loud inside my head.” This is where trouble can begin. Like Tung, I have an active imagination, fueled by my own creativity, relationships, and the books I’ve read. However, the clumps of neurons and their connections that make me who I am spits out ne...