BookOwl Picks: Books About Books
It's books about books time! These volumes come in a variety of forms and genres, and you never know when you're going to find a hidden gem. Also, for someone as book-obsessed as I, books about books are a way to pay tribute to the major part literature of all kinds has played in my life. Without further ado, here are some of my picks for books about books! Book Love by Debbie Tung First of all, Debbie Tung is one of my favorite graphic novel writers (and illustrators)! When she came out with Book Love, it became an instant classic for me. I feel seen, as a bibliophile, as someone whose favorite places outside of my own home are the library and bookstore. Tung humorously illuminates how bookworms move in the world and how they think about books. While Book Love hits all the cliches, it is done in a way as not to be condescending to readers. After all, it's a celebration of everything literary! The Library Book by Susan Orlean The Library Book is an engaging nonfictional...